Wednesday 10 November 2010

Design Research Methods: Task 3: Making Contact With Organizations

We Are What We Do is basically an international movement that inspires people to use their everyday behaviour to affect big environmental and social issues. So far 82,221 people have done 1,443 actions 4,817,424 times and posted 3,655 things referring their simple actions. Originally the organization shows people that if they take all those actions regularly, they can have a huge impact on many of the environmental and social problems we are facing. They do all sorts of things to involve people to their actions and the organization basically appeared in books Change the World for a Fiver, Change the World 9-5 and Teach Your Granny to Text and Other Ways to Change the World. Therefore I am going to meet with Lucinda Komljen, the Communication Director of the organization and I will make my interview by the following questions:

I spend time on each question and they all serve a purpose related to my project. I am going to meet with Lucinda Komljen on Wednesday and I get her permission to record our meeting so after getting the equipment I will make a type out of our conversation. I strongly believe that an organization like We Are What We Do will have huge impact on the progress of my project and I am hoping to get true statistics about people's reactions on re-usage.

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